destination wedding photographer

I ♥ Brio Art | Mexico

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation_speed="faster" css_animation_delay="0"]Jeans: American Eagle | Shoes: Coach | Shirt & Earrings: The Limited | Location: Zara in Cancun, Mexico | Photos by: Poly Mendes

Happy Friday Everyone!

I got such a great response from my last post that I thought I would keep them up.  This last week was so wonderful.  I got to enjoy some quality time with my BFF Poly in sunny Mexico, get to know a new girlfriend & her husband and get in a few photos on the beach.  All-in-all fantastic.  We had some major laughs every night after dinner, probably induced by the abundance of adult beverages at our resort.   Thank you Poly for having me join in your adventure.

I spent a majoring of this last week thinking over my business and what life has given me lately.  I have been contemplating some major plans for my business and hope to be rolling them out this summer.  Kinda exciting!  I have also been putting a lot of thought into what life has to offer and what I want to get out of it.  It's going to sound funny but I watched a movie on my flight called "About Time" and it got me thinking.  It's from the same people who did "Love Actually" and "Knotting Hill" so you can guess it was a romantic comedy of sorts.  The gist is that the men in the family can travel though time and the guy in the movie decides to use this talent to get the girl he loves.  But by the end of the movie it's more about how he chooses to lead a happy life and what he does to accomplish that.  The one major thing that stuck in my mind was that he chose to relive every day twice.  The first time around going about the day as normal, and the second time around choosing to focus on the details.  Rather than rushing off in the morning to work he ran back upstairs and gave his wife a good bye kiss.  What if we could do that every day, how much more could we get out of our experiences?

Maybe I have already started doing this, maybe it started in NYC.  I've had this silly saying going though my head for years and have only started to put it into effect.  The saying is, "If you never try the answer is always no."  I usually say it when I buy a lottery ticket as a joke but I thought this in my head while I was in NYC and I went for it. Then it hit me like a lightning bolt while chatting with Poly this week.  We were discussing Sex and the City and the first line Carrie says is, "Women come to New York for the two L's: Labels and Love."  How fitting for me.  I found the latter, I'll have to go back for the labels another day.  So as Carrie would put it I have a wonderful Man-friend, boy-friends are for girls in the 20's.  At this age we are looking for something real, something important.

Next up is Europe and I can not express how excited I am.  I had mentioned this trip to my Man-friend and half joking, yet completely serious, that he should join me.  To my surprise and complete amazement he got a ticket!  I'm still jumping up and down with excitement that he will be with me in London and sharing in this adventure.  My morning cafe will be twice as sweet now that he will be there.  As my superhero would put it, "making all my dreams come true."  Then to top it off I'll be meeting up with Poly in Barcelona & Paris.

I'll keep shooting for the moon, but I'm pretty sure I've already landed in the stars.  Speaking of stars, I think it's time for my next tattoo!

Til next time! Take a peek at a few photos from our shoot below.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation_speed="faster" css_animation_delay="0"]Katie-Selfie-Mexico2014-6Katie-Selfie-Mexico2014-8[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation_speed="faster" css_animation_delay="0"]personal-blog-post-mexico-2014 photo-5[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]